Q1. Ever wondered why do MOSQUITOES bite human beings?
Q2. What happens to the skin when MOSQUITOES bite?
Q3. Does scratching makes your MOSQUITOES bite cure fast?
Q4. What are the basic homemade treatments you should rely on?
Whoa!!!!! Tons of questions……
Well, If you are looking for answers in very simple language…then what are you waiting for? Read the damn article.
Q. Why do Mosquitoes bite human beings..?
A male mosquito never bites us. These are the female mosquitoes who bites us to drink our blood. Human blood contains lots of nutrients which help the female mosquitoes to make the eggs for the reproduction. A mosquito uses its needle like structured mouth to pierce the skin and by locating the blood vessels, drinks as much blood as it can.
While sucking blood, mosquitoes injects their saliva into the body which contains an anticoagulant. This substance prevents the blood clotting so that mosquitoes don’t get stuck while draining blood.
Q. What happens to the skin when MOSQUITOES bite..?
When mosquitoes bite people, the swelling around the bite is caused by histamine which is produced by the human immune system. It increases the rate of flow of blood and white blood cell count around the affected area, which causes a bump in the form of inflammation or swelling. But for the very first time, body may not react this way as immune system reacts after learning from being exposed to external substance (mosquito’s saliva).
Q. Does scratching makes your MOSQUITOES bite cure fast..?
A big no, don’t scratch a mosquito bite as it makes itching worse and turns your skin red. Scratching may also lead to develop any infection if the skin breaks.

Every year thousands of people lost their lives due to mosquitoes. They develop only in still water. So make sure there is no still water in your surroundings. Empty your children’s pools when water is not needed.
Q. What are the basic homemade treatments you should rely on..?
1) Coconut oil : This oil is very good for skin. As it contains antimicrobial properties that can help to protect against harmful infections caused by mosquitoes bite.
2) Honey : In severe cases, where there are many rashes on our body applying honey can reduce the inflammation and itching as honey is antibacterial. But it is very essential to wash it off when someone wants to go out because it may attracts to other insects due to its sweet taste and fragrance.
3) Aloevera gel can also be applied on the place of bite.
4) Applying ice on the place of bite can also give an instant relief from itching.
* So here is an advice…Prevention is always better than cure. So try not to feed your blood to mosquitoes rather you can donate it to someone needy at hospital.
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